550 Mamaroneck Avenue, Suite 103 · Harrison, NY

Why You Should Get Adjusted Regularly

As we age, the body changes and most people will experience aches and pains. Most of these aches and pains are due to our posture throughout the day and our movement habits. Overtime, our bodies will adapt to the most frequent posture we hold and will become stiff. A restricted joint will not receive the nutrients it needs to maintain its health. Arthritis can develop over years of prolonged immobilization and reduced motion. Movement is the main thing that keeps the joint lubricated and healthy.

This is where chiropractic adjustment comes in. One of the main functions of a chiropractic adjustment is to improve or restore movement to a restricted joint. Regularly getting adjustments helps keep the joints in the body healthy. It also reduces stress to other areas of the body. If one joint is not working, another joint or muscle will compensate causing it to become overworked and break down. Keeping the joints moving can help reduce the chance of injury and slow down degeneration.

Maintenance care looks different for everyone based on their body and lifestyle. Some people may need an adjustment one time per week and some might need it one time per year. The most common frequency is one to two times per month. This will help mitigate some of the negative effects by helping restore motion before restriction sets in.

Need to come in for your next adjustment? Schedule an appointment here!

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