550 Mamaroneck Avenue, Suite 103 · Harrison, NY

Four Simple Ways to Manage Arthritis

Unfortunately aging is part of life and all the fun things that come along with it. The gray hair, the wrinkles, the hair loss and even arthritis. As we age, so do our joints and we will develop normal arthritic changes. The amount and location of arthritis is based on people’s habits, activity levels and even diet to a certain degree. Just because we develop arthritis doesn’t mean we will be in pain, or not be able to do the activities we love.

Here are some simple things to consider when dealing with arthritis:

  1. Movement. The more we move in pain free ranges of motion; the more nutrients are pushed into the joints, along with lubrication. This will help keep the joints healthy and gliding easier on each other. Chiropractic adjustments also help improve and maintain motion in these joints, allowing for pain and inflammation reduction
  2. Hydration. The more water we drink, the more supple tissues will be. Water is also used to make the lubrication and the blood that supplies the joint. If we do not have enough water in our body we can not make enough to line the joints. Try to consume half your body in ounces of fluid throughout the day.
  3. Diet. Eating a lot of sugar, alcohol, and processed foods will increase inflammation in the body which will lead to irritation to the arthritic joints.
  4. Heat. Warm climates and direct heat, like heat packs, can help bring more blood to the joints and ease pain

Building these habits into your daily routine will help slow down the arthritic changes and improve the health of the joints.

If you have any questions about these tips for managing arthritis, please schedule an appointment here!

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