Is It Just a Muscle Pull?
John is a 13 year old, multi-sport athlete who came into our office last week with his head “stuck” in an awkward lean and pain shooting from his neck into his shoulder blade. The range of motion of his head was 50% of what it should be for a child his age. His mom said the neck muscle tightened up during practice and he had to stop. He used ice and Advil for three days. He took a break from all activity and still the pain and posture were no better.
Our evaluation determined that there was a subluxation, a vertebra that had moved out of alignment in his upper neck and it was irritating the nerve that ran from his neck into his shoulder. The tight muscle, I explained was simply a defense by the body to protect the injured area. We treated John with massage therapy, muscle stimulation and heat. These modalities are some of the many ways Chiropractors can address the soft tissue that is protecting the injury. MOST IMPORTANTLY, we gave this young man a gentle spinal adjustment. It was gentle because we had done the warm up work. Relaxing the soft tissue first allowed us to make a gentle correction that will hold for a longer period of time.
John was seen a total of three times. With each visit his pain decreased, his range of motion got better and his posture improved. He returned to sports within a week of his initial exam. Another happy chiropractic patient. NO DRUGS, NO SURGERY, Just safe and effective chiropractic care.