The Muscles That Everyone With Lower Back Pain Should Know About
The Muscles
Psoas and iliopsoas are two very important muscles when it comes to spinal health. These muscles attach to the last bone of your mid back (T12) and the first four bones of your lower back (L1-L4). It then passes through the pelvis and onto the thigh bone (femur).
These muscles will aid in stabilizing your spine and bringing your leg to your chest. Prolonged sitting will cause these muscles to be tight, pulling on the lower back and compressing the spine.
Symptoms include lower back pain, contributes to poor posture, nerve pain, pain into the knee, difficulty breathing, pelvic rotation, digestive issues
Chronic tightness of these muscles will cause a host of imbalances in the body; changing the way you look, feel and function
Chiropractic adjustments
Minimizing sitting
Stretching the front of your hip
If you have been experiencing any of these symptoms related to lower back pain please give us a call at 914-346-5200 to schedule an appointment. We look forward to your next visit in our office!
Dr. Richard Davidson
Dr. Christopher Straface